TEORI TENTANG : Singular and Plural

Singular and Plural




a book
a pen
a bag
a chair
a table
a bridge
a boy

Add –s to most nouns .
a city
a baby
a gallery
a reality
a country
Change –y nouns to –ies if –y follows a
a class
a bus
a dish
a match
a watch
a box

Add –es to –ss, -sh, -ch, and –x nouns.
a potato
a hero
Add –es to –o nouns if –o follows a consonant
a radio
a piano
Add –s to –o nouns if –o follows a vowel.
a knife
a leaf
a life
a shelf
Add –s or –es to nouns ending in –f sound
Exceptions: a roof - roofs
a chief - chiefs
a child
a man
a woman
a foot
a tooth
a mouse
a fish
a deer


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