TEKNIK DEBAT /Techniques on Debating

Techniques on Debating

There are several formats of debating. However, Australian debating format is considered
as a friendlier format for the beginner. This is because it does not have intervention between
speeches (or Points of Information, POI). Speaking time is 7 minutes for substantive speeches and
5 minutes for reply speeches.


1st speaker (7 minutes)

2nd speaker (7 minutes)


3rd speaker (7 minutes)

Reply (5 minutes)
1st speaker (7 minutes)

2nd speaker (7 minutes)

3rd speaker (7 minutes)


Reply (5 minutes)

Prime minister/1st speaker
􀀁Establish a context (background)
􀀁State the motion
􀀁Explain the link from the motion to the
􀀁Describe the full definition and its
parameters and disclaimers
􀀁Outline what the first speaker and second
speaker are going to say
􀀁Elaborate his/her speech
􀀁Sum up his/her speech
Leader of Opposition/1st speaker
􀀁Give an opening statement
􀀁Ask questions regarding the definition, if
there is anything unclear, state the
􀀁State the negotiation
􀀁Outline what the 1st and 2nd speakers are
going to say
􀀁Refute the 1st speaker of the affirmative
􀀁Elaborate his/her speech
􀀁Sum up his/her speech

Deputy Prime Minister/2nd speaker
􀀁Clarify the debate, reaffirm the team’s
􀀁Refute the 1st speaker of the negative
􀀁Elaborate his/her speech
􀀁Sum up his/her speech
Deputy Leader of Opposition/2nd speaker
􀀁Clarify the debate, reaffirm the team’s
􀀁Refute the 2nd speaker of the affirmative
􀀁Elaborate his/her speech
􀀁Sum up his/her speech

Government whip/ 3rd speaker
􀀁Clarify the debate, reaffirm the team’s
Opposition whip/ 3rd speaker
􀀁Clarify the debate, reaffirm the team’s

Deliver rebuttals against the negative team
􀀁Strengthen his/her team’s case
􀀁Sum up his/her speech
Deliver rebuttals against the affirmative
􀀁Strengthen his/her team’s case
􀀁Sum up his/her speech

Reply (1st/ 2nd)
􀀁Deliver a biased summary of the debates:
􀀁What are the major arguments supported
or refuted by the teams?
􀀁Compare both team’s arguments
Reply (1st/ 2nd)
􀀁Deliver a biased summary of the debates:
What are the major arguments supported
or refuted by the teams?
􀀁Compare both team’s arguments

Elements of a case
Motion is a debating topic. It is normally in the form of statements. The affirmative team should
support it and the negative one should oppose it.
How to define the motion? We, as the affirmative teams, have to identify:
a. key words of the motion
b. issues related to the motion
c. the choice of philosophical or proposal debates
d. parameter and disclaimer
If you are the negative, you have to identify:
a. the current issue
b. the possible definition from the affirmative
c. negation of the possible definition
Arguments have to be relevant and logical. Answer the ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions of the debate.
Rebuttals are opposing statements against the opponent’s argument. Rebuttals also have to be
relevant and logical.

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