Recipes How to Make Cake Nastar

NAME                   : YULISA RESMAYATI
  CLASS                          : XI RPL 1


Recipes How to Make Cake Nastar for Lebaran

Recipe how to make cookies nastar article is a continuation of dry chocolate cake yesterday . Nastar is a kind of pastry made of flour, eggs and butter in which there is pineapple jam . Nastar word itself actually comes from the Dutch , the ananas and taart . Because it is typical , nastar then a snack in every important occasions especially during Eid arrives . Definitely comrades often find this cake when Eid is not it? And suitable also for Ta'jil or appetizers when breaking fast . Soon it enters month of fasting , nah not hurt you begin to try this Eid snacks , though later can give a dish of homemade cake when relatives come to visit . Sometimes , if there are friends or relatives who come are usually asking yourself snacks made specifically welcomed Eid . Now, if we had an Eid but without any cake nastar , it feels like something is missing .

Recipe how to make cookies nastar there may be some variations in the making , there is usually some supplementary materials to enhance and create a greater sense on nastar . And this time it is a cake recipe nastar pineapple original content , in accordance with its original name . The shape is sometimes also slightly varied , so although basically is a round cake nastar into small ping pong ball . Okay , just let us refer to the step by step in making cakes nastar .

First gather the following ingredients to make the cake :
• 1 tablespoon powdered milk as much as ( one tablespoon )
• 250 grams of flour ( two hundred and fifty grams )
• refined sugar as much as 50 g (fifty grams )
• magarin melted 200 g ( two hundred grams )
• 1 tablespoon cornstarch as much as ( one tablespoon )
• Egg yolks 3 (three points )
• smear cake ( made 
of one egg yolk and a tablespoon of pure honey )
Second , gather the ingredients well below to make pineapple jam :
• as much as 10 tablespoons sugar ( ten tablespoons)
• vanilla as much as two packs
• ripe pineapple as a fruit ( pineapple shredded )
• 5 cm long cinnamon
Third , make pineapple jam first:
1 . Put your pineapple into pan or Teflon that had been prepared .
2 . Pineapple cooked with a small fire , also enter the other ingredients, and stir until the pineapple is not watery and abrasive.
3 . Refrigerate and take a little butter and make the dough into small circles .
4 . If you are lazy to make jam , please buy in the supermarket . And prior to use, dry it in the skillet first to make it hard mushroomed .
Fourth , make cakes nastarnya :
1 . Refined sugar , egg yolks , and liquid margarine mixed and stirred / shaken using a mixer until blended .
2 . Then put flour and cornstarch , turn again mixernya it flat .
3 . Do not stay long in mengkocok dough because the dough can be hard .
4 . The dough then let sit for a while and then printed .
5 . Take a little dough , flatten , and enter the jam roundly formed earlier .
6 . Then make the dough into a round as well .
7 . Put the dough that has been printed into the container , the cake one with the other pie you a distance of about 1 cm from attaching .
8 . Bake the dough in the oven with a temperature of 180 degrees C about 25 minutes , then remove .
9 . The top of the cake spread with egg yolk and honey , then put in the oven for another 10 minutes , more beautiful if the smear repeated twice .
10 . If it is cold , the cake is ready to be served .
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Recipe how to make cookies nastar already presented as a whole , now live turn - agan agan practicing this recipe . Hopefully with this recipe , snacks can add to the collection of Eid and also ropes course add silaturrahim between relatives . Good luck !

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